AlWood Alumni

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AlWood Community School District #225 web site


EMail Addresses

It was suggested that a page of email addresses might be useful. Let me know if you want to be included!


Ginny (Virginia Greenup) Seaholm ginny at seaholm dot net

Class of 1958

James G. Peterson phoenixpeterson at att dot net

Class of 1965

William Metzner wcmjem at winco dot net

Class of 1967

Garry Nelson garrybnelson at sbcglobal dot net

Class of 1968

Donna Begley djbegley08 at gmail dot comt

Class of 1970

Kathy (Nelson) Logan kathy_logan at yahoo dot com

Class of 1977

Nick Boland nick at bolandtech dot com

Class of 1999

Cody Noble homersimps at yahoo dot com


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Last modified: November 23, 2008